Willow Grove, Milton Keynes, MK19 6AZ


Old Stratford Primary School


Old Stratford Primary School Global Curriculum Rationale


We believe our  Global Curriculum will enable children to become inspiring change makers and global citizens of the future. We aim to inspire a quest for learning throughout life that is marked by enthusiasm and empathy, ensuring flourishing for all. Our aim is to deliver a knowledge-rich curriculum that is cohesive, cumulative and purposeful. Through our Global curriculum pupils have the opportunities to learn the importance of community, diversity and leadership. It also provides our children with learning experiences which are real, relevant and fit for the 21st century. We want our children to become engaged, happy and self-sufficient world citizens, benefiting from and contributing to our local, national and global communities. We make it our mission to foster a love of learning and a sense of agency, inspiring change makers of the future, whatever their background or starting point. For our most disadvantaged pupils we focus on removing barriers to enable access to the full curriculum and secure good progress, learning without limits. 


The delivery of our Global curriculum will be achieved through a range of History and Geography topics as well as threaded through our Personal and Social education and assemblies. Each year group will also be taught a unit of work on a current global issue. A high quality text will be used to bring the theme to life for the children and promote connectedness with the learning. Through this unit of work the children will learn skills that will enable them to voice their opinions, communicate their ideas and make a difference to their immediate community and beyond. Through our knowledge and understanding and skills we aim to develop our children's cognitive capacity including application, synthesising and evaluating. Sequences of lessons are carefully crafted around a final project outcome which allows the children to become leaders of change. The learning is active, engaging and inspiring to a deeper understanding of global themes and curriculum ideas. This curriculum promotes critical thinking skills so that the chldren are taught to leave behind answers that are not solving the problem. Instead of perservering, trying to force fit around a solution, the children are able to explore a different approach and ultimately become risk takers. Below is a list of the issues that will be explored through our Global curriculum for each year group.



Through our Global curriculum children will gain a deeper understanding of how they can make a positive impact on their world through thoughtful action and reflection. Across the Trust, the use of regular and robust triangulated monitoring is used to guage the impact of our curriculum. Leaders at all levels review learning, talk with children and provide feedback to move practice forward. Our curriculum ensures that we develop well rounded citizens with a clear understanding of good values. Our curriculum addresses negative stereotyping through investigating similarities and differences and promoting acceptance, diversity, citizenship and human rights. Our children develop a strong sense of morality and will be able to make sense of an increasingly globalised, complex and rapidly changing world. They will be able to decide what is right and what is wrong and have the skills to be resilient to the influence of others. Our children will be aware of how their own actions can impact others and the wider community.



Year group

Area of Curriculum



All About Me and People who Help Us

Social Justice and Equity


Identity and Diversity


Sustainable Development

•  Living things and their needs

•  How to take care of the immediate environment


Peace and Confilct


Human Rights


Power and Governance

•  Rules in class and school

•  How rules can help us



Year group

Area of Curriculum



All About Me and People Who Help Us

Creative and critical thinking

•  ask questions

•  suggest a way to  solve a problem

•  wonder about ideas



Self awareness and reflection

•  notice some effects of own actions on others



•  listen to others

•  take turns to express a view

Co-operation and conflict resolution

•  participate in group activities

•  take turns and share

•  manage disputes peacefully

Ability to manage

•  ask for help if unsure what to do

Complexity and uncertainty 


Informed and reflective action

•  support others in group or class


Year group

Area of Curriculum



All About Me and People Who Help Us

Sense of identity and self esteem


Commitment to social justice and equity


Respect for people and human rights


Value diversity


Concern for the environment and sustainable development

•  appreciation of, and care for, living things and own environment

•  sense of wonder and curiosity about the world

•  starting to value  resources

Commitment to participation and inclusion


Belief that people can bring about change.

•  belief that everyone can do things to improve surroundings and support others


Year group

Area of Curriculum


Year 1

Keep Britain Tidy

Social Justice and Equity


Identity and Diversity


Sustainable Development

·       Positive and negative impacts of peoples actions, including own personal choices, on others and the environment.

·        How people can damage or improve the environment

Peace and Confilct


Human Rights


Power and Governance



Year group

Area of Curriculum


Year 1

Keep Britain Tidy

Creative and critical thinking




Self awareness and reflection

·       recognise effects of own behaviour on others and use this to help make choices.



Co-operation and conflict resolution


Ability to manage

·       describe feelings about changes in their own life and in their locality.

Complexity and uncertainty 


Informed and reflective action

·       Contribute actively and constructively to the life of their class and school.


Year group

Area of Curriculum


Year 1

Keep Britain Tidy

Sense of identity and self esteem


Commitment to social justice and equity


Respect for people and human rights


Value diversity


Concern for the environment and sustainable development

·       concern about the local environment and the willingness to care for it.

·       Taking care of resources are not wasting them.

Commitment to participation and inclusion


Belief that people can bring about change.




Year group

Area of Curriculum


Year 2

Community and Responsibility

Social Justice and Equity


Identity and Diversity

Similarities and differences between peoples local settings and wider contexts.

Sustainable Development


Peace and Confilct


Human Rights


Power and Governance



Year group

Area of Curriculum


Year 2 Community and Responsibility


Creative and critical thinking

·       ask relevant questions.


·       Show awareness of and concern for peoples feelings.

·       Show interest in, and concern for others outside immediate circle and in contacts different to own.

Self awareness and reflection



·       Participate in discussions about issues that affect self, others and the wider world.

·       State opinions and start to give reasons for these.

·       Listen carefully to others.

Co-operation and conflict resolution


Ability to manage


Complexity and uncertainty 


Informed and reflective action



Year group

Area of Curriculum


Year 2 Community and Responsibility


Sense of identity and self esteem


Commitment to social justice and equity


Respect for people and human rights


Value diversity

·       Valuing others as equal and different.


Concern for the environment and sustainable development


Commitment to participation and inclusion


Belief that people can bring about change.



Year group

Area of Curriculum


Year 3

Pollution and Responsibility

Social Justice and Equity

·       some causes and effects of poverty and inequality, including gender inequality, at local, national and global levels.

Identity and Diversity

·       diversity of cultures and societies within and beyond own experience.

Sustainable Development

·       People's dependencies on the environment.

·       Basics of climate change, causes and effects.

·       Environmentally responsible living and global in equality's in ecological footprints.

Peace and Confilct


Human Rights


Power and Governance



Year group

Area of Curriculum


Year 3

Pollution and Responsibility

Creative and critical thinking

·       begin to identify bias and opinion.


·       Empathise with people in local and more distant contexts.

·       Understand impacts of prejudice and discrimination.

Self awareness and reflection



·       Listen attentively, question and respond to others.

·       Express own views and ideas on issues clearly, using a range of appropriate methods.

·       Give reasons, evidence and examples in support of an opinion.

Co-operation and conflict resolution

·       work cooperatively to solve problems or achieve goals.

Ability to manage

·       Describe feelings about changes and events in own setting and the wider world.

Complexity and uncertainty 


Informed and reflective action

·       Participate in decision-making in school.



Year group

Area of Curriculum


Year 3

Pollution and Responsibility

Sense of identity and self esteem

·       Positivity about the ways in which one is both similar to others and uniquely different.

Commitment to social justice and equity

·       Offence at unfair treatment of others locally and globally.

Respect for people and human rights


Value diversity

·       Valuing difference.

Concern for the environment and sustainable development

·       Sense of responsibility for the environment and the use of resource is.

Commitment to participation and inclusion

·       Commitment to taking action to protect and improve the environment and quality of life of people locally and globally.

·       Active participation in school based decision-making.

Belief that people can bring about change.

·       Willingness to cooperate Thurs to change things for the better.


Year group

Area of Curriculum


Year 4


Social Justice and Equity

·       How fairness may not always mean equal treatment.

Identity and Diversity

·       Contributions of different cultures to our lives.

·       Nature of prejudice racism and sexism and ways to combat these.

Sustainable Development


Peace and Confilct

·       Some causes and effects of conflict at all levels from personal to global.

·       Strategies for managing, resolving and preventing conflict, including ‘win -win’ solutions.

·       examples of conflicts past and present in our own society and others.

Human Rights

·       UN Convention of human rights, ‘The Rights of the Child’

·       Reasons why some people have their rights denied.

·       Those responsible for rights being met eg teachers, local and national government.

Power and Governance



Year group

Area of Curriculum


Year  4



Creative and critical thinking

·       Give evidence for an argument, assess different viewpoints and present counterarguments.

·       Imagine alternative possibilities and suggest new ideas to solve problems.


·       Adapt behaviour to take into account feelings of others.

Self awareness and reflection

·       Identify Connexions between personal decisions and issues affecting people locally and globally.

·       Explore reasons for negative feelings towards others and innew or difficult situations.


·       Listen attentively, question and respond to others.

·       Express own views and ideas on issues clearly, using a range of appropriate methods.

·       Give reasons, evidence and examples in support of an opinion.

Co-operation and conflict resolution

·       work cooperatively to solve problems or achieve goals.

·       Use knowledge of others viewpoints to resolve problems and compromise.

Ability to manage


Complexity and uncertainty 

·       Use strategies to cope with challenging times.

·       Recognise when there may be no single right or wrong answer.

Informed and reflective action

·       Share opinions and evidence on issues with others including decisions.


Year group

Area of Curriculum


Year 4



Sense of identity and self esteem

·       Value what contributes to oneidentity.

Commitment to social justice and equity

·       Sense of justice growing interest in world events and global issues.

Respect for people and human rights

·       Readiness to face of words, actions and choices on others.

·       Believe that it is everyone's responsibility to challenge prejudice and discrimination.

Value diversity

·       Recognise the benefits of listening to a range of different perspectives and viewpoints.

Concern for the environment and sustainable development


Commitment to participation and inclusion

·       Active participation in school based decision-making.

·       Pro active inclusion of other people, especially those who may face barriers to participating fully.

Belief that people can bring about change.



Year group

Area of Curriculum


Year 5


Social Justice and Equity

·       Ways of defining and measuring poverty  (relative and absolute) and inequality.

·       Inequalities within and between societies and how these change.

·       Wider causes and effects of poverty, inequality and exclusion.

Identity and Diversity

·       Impacts of stereotyping prejudice and discrimination and how to change these.

Sustainable Development


Peace and Confilct

·       Wider causes and effects of conflict at all levels.

·       Importence of resolving conflict fairly.

Human Rights

·       Universal Declaration of human rights.

·       Importence of citizens, socieities and governments respecting and defending people's human rights.

·       Current and historical human rights issues and movements in own country and elsewhere

Power and Governance

·       How a lot of power and representation can result in discrimination and exclusion.

·       The power of collective action and role of social movements.


Year group

Area of Curriculum


Year 5


Creative and critical thinking

·       evaluate media and other sources for bias, stereotypes and range of voices and perspectives.

·       Analyse own and others assumptions about people and issues keep mind open to new ideas.


·       Recognise how different backgrounds, beliefs and personalities affect behaviour and worldviews.

Self awareness and reflection



·       Communicate effectively through a range of media about issues to suit subject, audience and purpose.

·       Use active listening skills and adapt behaviour to knew cultural environments.

Co-operation and conflict resolution


Ability to manage

·       adapt to knew and explore new ways of seeing local and global issues.

Complexity and uncertainty 


Informed and reflective action

·       Identify and plan appropriate actions and opportunities to make your own voice heard.


Year group

Area of Curriculum


Year 5 Homelessness


Sense of identity and self esteem

·       Openness to new ideas and perspectives which challenge own.

Commitment to social justice and equity


Respect for people and human rights

·       Sense of solidarity with those suffering human rights violations, injustice and discrimination.

·       Commitment to hold duty barriers to account for upholding equal rights for all.

Value diversity

·       Recognition of diverse perspectives on any issue, and that the majority view is not always right.

Concern for the environment and sustainable development


Commitment to participation and inclusion


Belief that people can bring about change.

·       Willingness to take an informed stand on global issues.


Year group

Area of Curriculum


Year 6

Accepting Differences

Social Justice and Equity


Identity and Diversity

·       Benefits and challenges of diversity.

·       Impacts of stereotyping prejudice and discrimination and how to change these.

Sustainable Development


Peace and Confilct


Human Rights


Power and Governance



Year group

Area of Curriculum


Year 6 Accepting Differences


Creative and critical thinking

·       evaluate media and other sources for bias, stereotypes and range of voices and perspectives.

·       Analyse own and others assumptions about people and issues keep mind open to new ideas.


·       Discern how people are feeling through their words, body language, gestures and tone.

Self awareness and reflection

·       Recognise personal strengths and weaknesses.


·       Evaluate ways in which own emotions, words and behaviour can affect people both locally and globally.

Co-operation and conflict resolution

·       Take on different roles in group work.

Ability to manage


Complexity and uncertainty 

·       explore and alternative versions of the future.

Informed and reflective action



Year group

Area of Curriculum


Year 6 Accepting Differences


Sense of identity and self esteem

·       Valuing of own and others individuality.

Commitment to social justice and equity

·       Active concern at injustice, exploitation and  of human rights.

Respect for people and human rights


Value diversity

·       Willingness to challenge prejudice and discriminatory views.


Concern for the environment and sustainable development


Commitment to participation and inclusion


Belief that people can bring about change.

·       Belief that people can often make a greater difference when they take collective action.