Willow Grove, Milton Keynes, MK19 6AZ


Old Stratford Primary School

COVID Catch-up Premium Statement

Creating Lifelong Learning opportunities for everyone

In June the government announced £1 billion of funding to support children to catch up after the effects of the COVID pandemic on education. Further guidance can be seen here https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-catch-up-premium . For the academic year 21/22 Old Stratford Primary School will receive £2900. This document shows what the funding will be spent on. Children requiring interventions have been identified following early assessments in September 2021, this will be reviewed in January 2022.

At Old Stratford, the Covid-19 ‘Catch up’ money will be used in order to provide:

  • Employment of an experienced teacher two days a week to tutor small groups of children who have been identified as needing “catch up” in their learning as a direct effect of lost teaching time during the COVID lockdowns.

Specific needs that have been identified across the school are:

  • Phonics
  • Reading
  • Maths

The link below details the Pupil Premium Strategy Statement for 2021/22:

Pupil Premium and Catch Up Statement