Willow Grove, Milton Keynes, MK19 6AZ


Old Stratford Primary School

SEN and Disabilities

Creating Lifelong Learning opportunities for everyone


There have been recent changes in local and national documentation involving children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) and inclusion. The Government have produced a new SEN Code of Practice and changes to the Statementing process which is transferring to a new Education and Health Care Plan system (EHC).

The Government has recognised that in the past, students may have been over-identified as having SEN, when more probably they were simply underachieving in certain areas related to the curriculum and required intervention to enable them to make progress and catch up. The new system focuses on schools meeting the wide variety of individual needs of its pupils, by ensuring access to appropriate provision. This will not necessarily mean that pupils will be identified as having a specific SEN.

Old Stratford is committed to ensuring extra provision for all of its pupils including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). We pride ourselves on meeting the needs of all pupils either academically, socially or emotionally. We ensure the delivery of varied provision to cater for the needs of pupils whatever their barriers to learning.

Pupils accessing extra provision in school will be added to the school's provision mapping system but may not necessarily be identified as having SEN or added to the SEN register. Provision is closely monitored and targeted specifically to the needs of the group or individual. Progress is reviewed by the Class Teacher. Any concerns will always be discussed with parents and carers and they will be kept informed of their child's progress.

Progress for some pupils may not be in line with the expected national average however, this is progress, none the less and will be celebrated.

Pupils with SEND will be added to the SEND register when they have outside agencies involved working with them. These pupils will have an Individual Education Plan (IEP) with targets focused on the advice of the external agencies involved. These targets will be reviewed 3 times a year and parents will be invited to each review.

Sometimes as a school we may be unsure if we can meet the specific needs of an individual pupil. We may feel that a pupil requires more specialist provision. If we feel that we are unable to meet the needs of an individual pupil we will consider applying for Statutory Assessment towards an Education and Health Care Plan. The Local Authority will then decide what the appropriate support for the pupils' needs are. Our SEND Coordinator is Mrs R Burnside.

Local Offer

The Local Offer is a directory of information that helps families to find and access support. All local authorities are required to have their own local offer as part of the government's SEND reforms. Here at Old Stratford we are on the border of both Milton Keynes and Northamptonshire. Due to this parents af children with Special Eduactional Needs may access either Milton Keynes or Northamptonshire local offer. Access is dependent on your postcode and GP surgery.

Links to the local offer are below

Milton Keynes offer:


Northamptonshire Local Offer:


Inclusion and Provision

We are lucky at Old Stratford Primary School to have a team of experienced Teaching assistants who support the school,

Please find below our SEND Accessibility Plan and most recent reporting statement

Accessibility Plan

New IASS parent support

SEND Report Statement 2021/2022